Stories AR platform — Update May 2022

Reading time: 2 minutes

Every time we update the Stories AR photo creation service, we rely on feedback from our partners! What have we managed to do?

1 — Accelerated file uploads for clients (after scanning the code) by 5.5 times. That is, your customers will now download the photos to life 5.5 times faster after scanning the code

2 — We have created a step-by-step partner’s card. On this page, all partners can learn the step-by-step implementation of AR photos in their work and join the Stories AR community of partners.

3 — Fixed bugs in Android app. Earlier we saw errors when opening the application on Samsung Galaxy and other smartphones. The bug has been fixed. Everything is working fine!

4 — We added instructions for customers to the app on ios and android. In the upper right corner of the application appeared a «question» button, clicking on which will open a step-by-step instruction.

At this point ….. But soon we are waiting for something very big and interesting. Do not miss it!

Sign up for the demo version and create AR photos for free. Get started today!

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